Other shades of grey

You feel young enough, still attractive and drop dead sexy.
You still get lot of attention.
One day you just notice few grey ones among your pubic hair and get an appointment at waxing salon.

In a hour you are clean as a whistle and feel young again.
Guys,  please never ask women why do they do waxing.

Sometimes the reason is just get rid of few shades of grey.



iron and wood
iron and wood

We date people with amazing and weird luggage from the past including their wives, lovers,  kids, parents, hobbies, cats and dogs, mistakes, ups and downs.

Sometimes it’s so difficult to handle that. You never know how many of them you have every night in your bed.

But at the same time their previous lives have formed and shaped them in a certain way and maybe that’s why we love them now…

Good night!

Faith and loyalty


I am a Mac person. It started 14 years ago because of company rules for editorial departments and then I get used to and still have fun.
The worst battles are caused by religion or beliefs; they have no rationality behind them. I would rather listen in silence to the arguments of Nikon/Canon or iPhone/ Samsung, x/y users, but never sell any crap to anyone myself.

Continue reading Faith and loyalty


birch love

You can be blinded by love, and that is something you are happy about. You see what you want and never see, what is not important. Selective sight, I should admit.

There is another case of blindness, when love is gone, and only the feeling of possessing remains.  There is nothing worse when your mind is blinded by jealousy.

Blind mind creates monsters.

And you suddenly turn into a monster yourself.

Bits of seduced or/and pissed off mind